Osteoarthritis of the knee: what is it, a stage, symptoms of, and myths about the treatment of

Osteoarthritis of the knee is a disease of degenerative nature, which affect the bones, in cartilage, a Section of the knee. The disease most commonly affects the knee Section of the lower limb. Pathological changes of the cartilage in periarticular areas, which are, in the majority of cases develop on the background of the injuries, the biology of aging, the disorder is autoimmune in nature, to severely inhibit the movement capabilities of the foot. The joint becomes logopedija the loss of the stability, the conventional motor is in the padding. In the end, it is gradually deformed and, in the last stages of a completely out-of-order.

the types of astroscope to the knee, with osteoarthritis, and 3. the rate of

Degeneration of the tissue in the joint is to occur, not only in the physical dysfunction of the lower extremities, and in severe pain in them. In severe pathology, which is causing the disability, or, in some cases, paralysis of the legs. In connection with the sad announcement of the disease so it is important to as quickly as possible to find out to immediately proceed to its treatment.

The important of the diseases of the

Patients is important to explore alternative policies, please read the following material to have the full information on the mechanisms of the origin of the manifestations in clinical pathology. Note Only that, arthritis-arthrosis in a ban-which is closely related to both, the disease as a result of arthritic disease. But there, where such a wretched disease, that is most important to ruthlessly destroy the bones of the line? What is the severity of gonarthrosis, in the event, what it is possible to recognize it?

The causes of osteoarthritis

Degenerative the pathogenesis the beginning of the following factors to be provocateurs:

Perfection is the cause of osteoarthritis of the
  • when the injury – fractures of the tibia, dislocated knee, damage to the body of the meniscus, tears of the torn ligaments, falling to his knees, and all kinds of injuries;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • a sedentary life-style;
  • a high body mass index;
  • systemic pathology of rheumatoid, gouty, psoriatic, tip, systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • genetically inherited weakness in the ligament-muscular system, or a congenital underdevelopment of the structural elements of joints;
  • a violation of the metabolism of the blood flow;
  • hormonal failure, diabetes mellitus, other endocrine diseases.
  • to move or make a chronic problem in inflammatory disease.

People are often themselves become perpetrators of criminal offences, with a view to developing articulate a compelling disease. They often get hurt, they ignore the stick, I prefer to do initial cure of joint pain, homemade lotions, in a similar manner. A few years later, which is due to take place in the past, the inadequate treatment of the come to do not a doctor with gonarthrosis, in the best case – moderate. In there, there is a natural one prevention analgesic ointments, as a very early part of the period of time, it will not be by the law, they are often fundamentally the use of surgical tactics.

In the phase of the destruction of the

Orthopedics, In the divided condition on to the stage from which they thrust the expert added in the preparation of the regimens. The scope, the nature, the location, the nature of the origin of the destruction of the bones in the joints in the knee, just showed a series of diagnostic procedures through like x-rays, MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, and different types of blood in the urine of the patient.

Type of treatment, the question is no more to be no information on the installed state to the knee, in the peculiarities of the patient, without a visit to the doctor is in we get of him, the appropriate therapeutic recommendations. So, in order to improve the quality of life, don't neglect a visit to a qualified professional, and only he, is able to tell you whether it can be done by a qualified conservative or not your problem is it will only be effective to the operation.

The pathology is more in the stages of development, according to the classification of Kellgren is just the four of them. All of the characterize the severity of the morphological changes in the presence of osteophytes, and a reduction in the articular cartilage in the degree of dilution, the reduction in the joint space, etc.) on clinical symptoms (limitation of flexion/extension, the level of the carrying capacity of the nature of the intensity of the pain, etc.).

  • Osteoarthritis of the first stage of the disease is in the early stages of development. The outer therefore, the symptoms are mild or absent, matches the shape of the joint is at a satisfactory level. X-rays MRI images of the small additional information the marginal osteophytes around the articular surface of the podsolennom the Department of million, subchondral osteosclerosis, a small bone cyst. The Common area is usually of a normal or altered, but not significantly.
  • The disease While in the second instance, in addition to the above-mentioned indicators,the osteosclerotic lesions, which are more pronounced, it is clearly visible to the narrowing of the interarticular gap. The patient starts, the more the more the relief of pain during walking, descending/climbing stairs, long-standing, and sometimes even during the night. Develops a lameness, the movement in the joint purchase of powerlessness, especially when bending.
  • The third stage is characterized by a sharp progression of irreversible degenerations in the volume. A common configuration is significantly distorted, the distance between the articular surfaces is greatly reduced, bone growths in the form of the tip of a larger size. The pain becomes prolonged into a distinct, v, the mind of man, even in sleep mode, limp he is going to get worse. Addicted to support the device in the help.
  • The fourth stage of the degenerative pathogenesis, as such, when the majority of the osteophyte proliferation, hyaline cartilage is completely destroyed, disappears, or in the common room only to see overlapping of the bone epiphyses forming a joint, the strongest of the strain. The knee joint has been recognized as completely incapable musculoskeletal system of the person becomes incapacitated.

Symptoms are the complaints

The severity of clinical manifestations depends not only on the pathological characteristics, but also to iz and the factor of individuality. In any event, in a pleasant enough gonarthrosis, it is very difficult to 2. a, in a 3-4 tbsp. The common list of symptoms includes:

the images of the surfaces of the knee joint
  • the pain, especially the mechanical tip (dull, aching, sharp, sudden, and occasionally the constant);
  • in a crunch when they are moving;
  • the stiffness of the joint;
  • limitation of range of motion;
  • muscle weakness of the limbs;
  • affordable by means of the swelling of the skin in the knee area.
  • walking to the change, which they share with the lameness in the cutting of the legs;
  • the volatility of, or the syndrome of "the mailbox";
  • "out" of the knee occurs when a sudden blockage of the movement of the bones in the joints.

Important! Conservative treatment of arthrosis in the knee is not going to help you, if the disease is complicated, of course, that can only happen in a worst-case scenario, the second stage in the development of bone in cartilage degeneration. In contrast to the traditional conservative treatment of the alternative methods, and all, without exception, of surgery for severe gonarthrosis 2-3-4 level, the only way of life for a long period of time, it helps to visibly improve the quality of life.

Conservative treatment

Bezoperatsionnye methods of treatment suitable in the initial stage of deforming arthrosis. The principle of the nonsurgical therapy includes the following:

  • the systematic exercise of physical therapy, has been developed by a professional individually;
  • the procedures of physical therapy;
  • the use of painkillers in the form of an ointment, tablet, injection, etc.;
  • a proper diet at a special diet that the physician prescribes;
  • the consistency of the special arrangement of the living-the physical activity;
  • a complete rejection of bad habits;
  • unquestioning for a repeated scan of the control;
  • an annual visit to a specialized sanatorium-resort health care.

Knee Surgery osteoarthritis


Now, take a look at the surgical methods which are often not necessary, because in the early stages, the pathology is often not visible. In particular, we have to deal with osteoarthritis is in full "bloom", which is to cover the major joint structures of the affected periarticular location.

  • Arthroplasty – helping more than 95% of the whole island, as it is possible to restore the movement to the basic function of the knee Section of the lower part of the handle. A difficult operation, followed by a difficult rehabilitation, but the effect is worth it. After about 3 months of the installation of the man-made home is a common of an analogue may be subject to irreversible pathological changes in the returns the entire range of motion of the legs completely eliminated the pain.
  • Introduzione – nothing out of the ordinary, that the case for the "short" articulation, due to its invasive impact of the fabric of life, but sometimes, it is the place to be, for example, if a person is not able to perform the implantation. At its core, however, lies in the removal of the final one in the rest of the surface to which the bone forms a link with a special locking device is in an advantageous position. Over a period of time, there is a natural convergence of these elements. An artificial ankylosis in a completely inhibits the mobility of the joint, however, allows you to achieve the good support of the ability of the body to decrease pain.
  • Osteotomy of the knee – it is also used, in extreme situations, by the same token, as an arthrodesis, in particular when it is necessary to delay a hip replacement for a number of years. At the time of the operative session, the specialist carries out the artificial fracture, podpilivaya the bones of them at a more correct angle, so that it is advantageous to distribute the load on the cartilage of the elements.
your doctor about arthritis

Exercise irreversible the pathogenesis is not going to fix it, you need to understand that. Grease the whole iz, drug, chondroprotectors, not to mention that it was my grandmother's advice, to be treated gelatin, too, in particular, will play a part in it. The higher the angle, you can help out in a bad situation is to prepare the musculoskeletal system for the management of the.

Modern knee implants such able to the daily burden on it to trouble-free operation for a period of not less than 15 years of age, often in the 20 to 25 years of age. A person may also be replaced by a joint, to do something for the sport.

Treatment of the 3. the rate of

Stage 3 arthritis surgery. The changes in the joint as a very strong character at this stage of the disease, which ultimately reduces the life of the health of the patient. The bones in the cartilage damage has reached a critical point, at which the tissue of the bone connections is the importance of the functional does not longer represent. Hyaline covering almost completely wiped out.

  • The cartilage is not Important in itself, the damage, including non-surgical methods.
  • Only in the flattened surface of the inter-bone ends causes an unnatural pressure on each of them and the other, RUB against each other constantly, seriously damaging the nearby soft tissues, in each and every day, it is distorted more than that.
  • The person in terrible pain you will feel, not to mention the lost opportunity is that of a normal walk. Patients, have daily meals, in a time when the dream is not a joy, and the pain in the day, there is no other. In the relatively tolerant, as stated before, only a few people.
  • The Anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, usually have a mild effect, but often does not "work". The chondroprotectors nima a sense, because of the strengthening of the remnants of the cartilage-stimulating low, it does not help the situation.
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The consequences of arthrosis of 2-3 degrees, sometimes it is the treatment of surgery minimally invasive (arthroscopy), which can be to remove the marginal osteophytes in the well to remove the bulk of the bones in the cartilage fragments from the joint cavity. For such operations, as may be seen from the reviews, the more to facilitate the patient's status to the function of the motor a bit better, but on a temporary basis. Osteoarthritis of the knee, yet still be active in the near future it will once again manifest itself.

In the Pathogenesis a class of 3-4 – this is a very serious problem that is only true in a much more complex, in the reconstructive, plastic and operating policies. Is not our there is no such process that could be compared to the arthroplasty. A knee replacement prosthesis, repeat the mechanical properties of the configurations, the sizes of the natural body, which will give you a chance to say goodbye the ill-fated illness as a disability, which is where the "assigned to".

The disease progresses rapidly and is able to reach moderate-middle stage of up to 4 degrees over the next several months. The operation should be done as soon as possible, and while it is not degenerative process can penetrate deep into the bone. The bones can be Severely damaged causing problems with the production of a prosthesis.

Many people do not realize that the severity of the incident, the equivalent to a conservative, in an unconventional tactic, trying by all means to avoid the action, of swallowing a handful of pills, the application of the ointment on the painful area. Someone has to talk to the osteopath, private practitioners, experts in a variety of alternative methods. Unfortunately, and against nature, it will not go to treatment, when they come, in fact, that it might humble itself. Therefore, a flip-out without the essential investment, the wise action to take.

one of the damaged or defective part of the

Your natural survival skills, which is entirely dependent on your decisions! The life You continue to suffer from stiffness in the pain, in the test of "empty" methods of treatment: medication, in the unconventional tools that the evidence on the effectiveness of the its the severity of the disease. In the, you can carry out the surgical treatment to start living a full life, free of the past, the suffering, the support of the device.

To take care of the surgery is needed, modern technology leaped forward, the danes, in the abroad, however the changing of the knee joints of the permanent implants. As a result of such implantation, which is performed in the clinic of a well, the risk of complications is minimal (1-2 %), and in the restoration of the function occurs anywhere in the more than 95% of the cases. After replacement of the hip joint, which will be included in the rehabilitation course of 3-4 months, including the following:

  • the physical recovery from a specific medical gymnastics;
  • drugs (antibiotics, antithrombotics, etc.);
  • a programme of physiotherapy, including the myostimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, in the healing process of wounds, treatment of;
  • of massage (in later stages of rehabilitation).

It's good to know! 1. the degree of the disease, it is possible to stop the to prevent a conservative. If there is nothing to do in the start of osteoarthritis of the knee, you give him a ban that allows you to go from a 1 to a 2, the the degree of of medicines, it will be getting a lot more of in the future, but for a certain category of patients, it is still an appropriate, non-surgical approach. In the last two stages of the operation all the time.

Treatment of the 2. the rate of

When osteoarthritis of moderate severity, the quality of life has become severely tarnished. A sore knee, the worry is stronger, a painful syndrome, the more intense the will is honored, as it was at the beginning of the disease. Especially through extreme pain, immediately after morning awakening., during the climb, in a descent through the stairwell. It is often an uncomfortable feeling of numbness that appears when you take a long walk in a long time standing in one position. Flexion in the knee regions is reduced, and the patient is not over the bend of the leg, such as the requirement for physiology. The man begins to back-up my body, almost trying not to step on her, which causes progressive atrophy of the muscles.

the swimming pool is not recommended for all, and forever

Make it clear that it is necessary to treat a a holistic approach.

  • If you are not the doctor feels there is an urgent need for an operation, a priority is assigned to the reduction of the burden of the heavy Work. In the presence of excess weight, to be a good influence to ensure the drainage of osteoarthritis of the joint, it is necessary to adjust the weight to your diet, recommended by your doctor.
  • All of the patients required the use of special orthopaedic devices, at the time of the motion. So, in the light of existing problems, it is possible to the knees of the clips, an elastic layer, an elastic bandage, cane, crutches, Walker.
  • In addition to this, the orthopaedic surgeon will prescribe a unique set of exercises that will strengthen the increase the endurance of the muscles of the affected limb.
  • Also in osteoarthritis of the low and the secondary manifestation of it includes the use of drugs, including substances that are present in the cartilage tissues of the knee. These include the formulation based on chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, injections, medication, and glucosamine. They can't rebuild the cartilage, but it is packed with nutrients, which makes it possible to achieve remission of the disease.
  • Recommended for the physiotherapy treatment of the treatment, however, so it is used only once then disappear all of the signs of an infection. The physical meetings, for example, a laser, a magnet, such as an ultrasound or must be carried out in health facilities. Thanks to physical therapy improves the nutrition of the metabolism in the bones, muscles, and cartilage. If you have purchased a vibroacoustic device for home use, you must first ask a professional about the possibility of their use in your the diagnosis of the operation of the functionality of the device.

We take into account the basic principles on which the formal treatment of arthritis, corresponding to the standard of the Orthotic. Because there is a lot of people with osteoarthritis 2. St. very interested in alternative methods for his salvation, that we offer, to comply with the order is common. Find out on the a lot of, so if this is unique, as we are introduced to the internet.

Stem cell therapy for knees

Stem cell therapy for knees

We are going to talk about the mesenchymally of autologous stem cells in patients with gonarthrosis of the knee, if it is carried out in the club or in the pelvic femoral bone loss. Cell therapy, according to the sources, was to achieve the self-restoration of the whole of the joint due to the activation of regenerative processes in the self-healing of the damaged parts. As a result of this technology, in theory, it is possible to achieve the improvement of the legal unit of the bone into the cartilage of the body. In practice, however, it was not a "live" x-ray evidence has confirmed that, following the introduction of the stem cells into the area of the affected joint, it is healthy.

The source of the cells, a Positive effect on the joints in the bones of the have not been demonstrated in the uncertainty, as it is in the orthopaedic technician, who is not yet familiar with. Thus, the only of Its scientists, the learning is in the foreground. In addition to this, the way that information about the harmful effects on the human body, stem cell, that is, in the opinion of the high skilled specialists, capable to provoke a cancer. What people are those, who, for the procedure to get paid, he was satisfied with the result? Here, I can say only one thing: a lot of the patients believe that for the money, the life, the eternal the placebo, however the effect lasts only so long, keep in mind that too much.

Sludge treatment

Curative mud sources unique in the ingredients (magnesium, chromium, iodine, bromine, calcium nitrate, etc.) can contribute to the reduction of the painful symptoms in the improve the the flow of blood to the sore areas, promoting the metabolism. The maximum present value, for the people, by the million, disease, or in patients who on undergone surgery of the foot. Hold your hands through the mud by a valid 2-if the doctor thinks that it is a natural for the medium, in combination with the basic medical program will be the reduction of instances of pathological events (stop the progression), in the improvement of the clinical picture. The sludge treatment is carried out in special medical institutions of all classes. The natural active mud, on the basis of peloids as it is used in the form of the application, in combination with the method of galvanization (electrophoresis).

The use of gelatin

Gelatin is a good Supplement to the diet for the maintenance of healthy joints

The natural gelatin is a safe way to support joint structure, in good repair and to the state. Gelatinous substrata, diluted in water, and therefore, it is recommended that you make use of on the inside. According to some doctors, the gelatin is a faster the particular more and more impact on the bones, the cartilage in the muscular-ligamentous elements. Experts point out that this is a method of healing the geonet properties, it just helps to prevent osteoarthritis of the. Therefore, when it is to take place in the pathogenesis relationalities, in the absence of pathology in the early or stages, should be considered as a measure for the prevention of the occurrence of the change or progression of the degenerative. When the disease is in the moderate to severe in nature, the approach to prophylactically is not going to work.

Of Ayurveda to the joints

Modern alternative medicine has known for a lot of incidents, among which the treatments of Ayurveda according to different parts of the muscular-skeletal system. With regard to both formal and informal-flow to the affected joints, associated with the excess of toxins accumulated in the body due to the consumption of disagreement. The damaging mechanism is disturbed, energetsko balance sheet (Wool), a primary impairment of Agni, or digestive fire, and that water does not accumulate in the bowel, undigested food residue (AMA). They produce toxins that the blood of the transportorul of the joint, where the harmful substances that are disposed of in the slows the metabolism.

According to Ayurveda osteoarthritis of the klassificeret in several types for each and every invented their own system of healing, is the basis of every single one of them, so that's diet, herbal medicine, Ayurvedic intake of the pills, the powders, and yoga breathing in exercises, and non-traditional-massage, auto-training for medical treatment, etc., of Course, all of that sounds like a lot, but the arthritis if you don't want to be set aside, even by the scientific, high technology, believe in it, it is possible that there is an herbal powder treatment for the thoughts of the other, the tactics of the Ayurvedic medicine is permanent deformation?!

Saline compresses

The salt used for the preparation of a saturated table salt is used for the solution of the impregnation of the compress to the painful place is used for a couple of hours. This one is not for smes considered as an independent means, in particular, as a treatment for osteoarthritis. The salt can temporarily soothe pain, get rid of the swelling of the soft tissues covering the bone structure, without any damage to the biological structures. However, it will not be a cure for a disease, do not put on the feet of the patient. Its function is purely symptomatic. The solution is prepared for the calculation of iz,: to 1 liter of room temperature water, take 100 grams of salt.

Worth a look! Sometimes salt is used in the dry-heated form, which is found in a bag in the carry out a local heating of the knees. Sometimes wet, but the hot dressing. The hot treatments of the so dangerous, when purulent-inflammatory processes in the joint cavity, they will be only in the end to aggravate the clinical picture. So don't use it to take the prescriptions to make sure that it is not a defeat accompanied by a similar process.